The Reading Habits Tag

I found this tag after my friend over at completed it and it looked like fun. So have fun reading this and getting to know my reading habits.

1. Do you have a specific place for reading?

When I’m at work, I read at my desk (during my lunch, not during the day!) and when I’m at home, where ever I can get comfortable. Before I could drive, I would read while waiting for my bus and then when I was on the bus. I will admit that it is one of the only things I miss about public transport.

2. Book mark or random piece of paper?

I’m really naughty, I only use bookmarks in hard back books, and they will be anything, actual book marks or random pieces of paper, I’ve even been known to use a KitKat wrapper. But I dog ear paper backs. Sorry.

3. Can you just stop anywhere in a book or do you have to stop at the end of a chapter?

I usually try and finish a chapter before I put my book down, but if I’m pushed for time, I will have to finish the sentence I’m reading, if not the paragraph.

4. Do you eat or drink when reading?

Yes, I do eat and drink. But I do like to curl up with a warm mug of coffee or hot chocolate. If I had to choose, I would prefer to drink.

5. Music or TV on when reading?

I do like to have background noise. I find it quite hard to concentrate on anything in silence. So I will either have head phones on or the TV when I’m at home. When I’m at work I have neither because I use my headphones when working, so I like to give my ears a rest and have the noises of an office as my background noise.

6. One book at a time or several?

Several. I have multiple books on the go. I have a few at home, one I read that is my main read. One is my go to read, if I don’t want to think too much or of I’m too tired to read part of my main book and then I also have a book in my office that I read at work. I also have one in my car for when I’m waiting for someone or something, and of course I have my kindle when I’m out and about.

7. Reading at home or elsewhere?

I can read anywhere. Anywhere. At all.

8. Read out loud or silently?

Silently. Unless I’m reading too someone!

9. Do you read ahead or skip pages?

I try not to skip ahead, bit if I’m finding the book is going on a bit and not getting to the point, I will read the last sentence or page to find out if the book is worth reading.

10. Breaking the spine or keeping it like new?

Breaking. Usually the books I but are second hand so they are already broken. But my mantra is a book is there to be read and enjoyed and you can read or enjoy your book if your obsessed with keeping it pristine, you would miss half the words off each page.

11. Do you write in your books?

Yes. I do. And I love when I find books in charity shops that have other people’s notes in. I wanted to start a project, by buying a book from a charity shop and reading it while making my notes, and then write my name in the front and put it back in the charity shop so another person can make their notes and put their name in. So hopefully in a few years the book will have loads of people’s views and thoughts in and I might find it again. Oooh I’m getting excited just thinking about it.

12. Who are you tagging?

All of you! Please leave links to your posts in the comments and I’ll be happy to take a look!

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